Saturday, November 05, 2005

Everyone Has Their Issues

I was at a restaurant with some friends and later that evening, my friend said to me, "I was the biggest person at the table." Mind you she is not obese or anything, just concerned about weight as may women are. I later thought to myself, "I was the only person at the table with acne."

I spend many days looking at people's skin in envy. My mother had BEAUTIFUL skin...just like a baby's bottom. On many days, I truly believe that I got slightly jipped in the creation process. So while other people worry about their weight, I worry about my skin and work diligently to heal it. I think I'm making progress, but it's just sad that this is something I have to deal with at age 30. I'm really hopeful that in 3 months, I will see a tremendous improvement. Other than the Glycare Cleansing Gel, I'm working with all natural products that have centuries of victories behind them. I'm remaining faithful and as consistent as I can. After all, I am only human...