Saturday, August 26, 2006


Oh my goodness! My ends were a knotty mess. I thought it was just my hair, but I realized my ends were in desperate need of a trim while I was straightening it for my AM trim this morning. I went ahead and trimmed most of it off. I refused to walk in there with my ends looking like that. She'll probably take off a little more to even it up, but my goodness. Not good...not good at all. I know I cut at least 1 inch. It's hard to tell when it's all crispy like that, but it was at least 1 inch. I'm going to have to go every 2 months for a trim like I used to. They weren't that bad when I straightened it before earlier in the year. I'm trying to decide if I should do wet twists or what. Most likely, it's the result of my hair being out so much, but I did blowdry it twice and that probably didn't help. I'm not sure, but I definitely have to join a protective hair challenge and I'm going to stay away from the heat just in case. I really liked my twists better stretched out, but I'm going to have to use other means and take more time to do it if that's what I want.

I hate walking out of the house with my hair like this, but I'm not nearly as vain as I used to be so I'm going to suck it up. I gave away all of my hats because I knew they wouldn't fit on my fro...dag I wish I kept at least 1...My nappiversary is about 1 week away and I'm going to have do better for the next year.