Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 8

Week 8 is just ending! I'm so proud of myself even though I'm not completely comfortable with the way my hair looks on most days. I continue to move through the world with confidence as if it looks amazing, knowing that in a year or so it will look amazing :)

My "washing without clips" experiment last week was not completely successful. The front/top section of my hair did not stay together as I had hoped. The back wasn't as bad as I thought and the sides were fine. So, this morning I will clip the front/top section before washing.

I feel like my hair is progressing. I think I can see where the buds are going to be. The coils look less perfect and if you look closely you can see some indications of matting in certain areas. It seems like it has to be progressing but it's at a stage where it's not visible. The mere fact that I haven't combed the shed hair means that it's in there somewhere.

I had an interesting conversation with a lady at work yesterday. She didn't realize that I was locing and made a comment about my hair looking good in terms of growth. She's the second person at work that has mentioned my hair growth and I know I have no sensible reason to be irritated but I am...only because that's what hair does over time. It grows. All hair grows. Whether you see the growth or not is related to breakage, but all hair grows. I BC'd in August. It's almost March...of course my hair has grown. That shouldn't be surprising, but considering the mistreatment of hair in the black community, it is. What a shame.

She also said something like..."well, it looks like it could be done..." This was before I realized that she didn't realize I was locing and told her. "Done" - what does that mean? I think it means "manipulated to look neat." And of course, "neat" is completely subjective. I'm positive that as my locs mature, I will be less concerned with attaining the status quo standard of "neat" hair. I'm not going to be obsessed with retwisting my roots. I'm going to aim for 6 weeks to give my hair the best chance of being healthy. I'm pretty sure I'll have fuzzy hair and I'll get used to it. Once I get some length, I'll begin styling, but I'm not really going to worry about that for a while.

So, this is where I am at week 8, about to enter week 9 and my official 2 month anniversary on March 1. It's certainly exciting and I can't help but wonder what month 6 will look like, but I'm expecting some great changes by then :)