Thursday, October 06, 2005

Chlyric on Hair Growth


Hello Everyone!!I've been natural for about 7 years and my hair isn't even shoulder length. When I pull it almost reaches my shoulders but will it ever get any longer? How long have you guys been natural and how long is your hair?What rituals do you guys do to get your hair longer? Are you taking vitamins? Are you drinking certain teas? How often do you wash your hair? I'm just a bit frustrated right now. Don't get me wrong I Love MY hair but sometimes I wish it were longer.. Any suggestions that don't include adding hair?

Chlyric's Response

Sounds like it's damaged. 7 years of growth would have my hair sweeping my butt. No magic teas or vitamins either.

You don't wash your hair enough too. I bet u money if you wash your hair twice a week or even everyday you can grow it down your back.

Two weeks of not washing creates a buildup that doesn't promote growth. There's a reason why people who only wash once a month usually have a teaspoon of hair.

Cut off three inches. Wash and shampoo every other day. Don't brush it anymore and only detangle in the shower. Your hair will be twice as long this time next year.

My Comments

This makes a lot of sense. I don't think I ever thought about it that way. Something else that other people said was NOT to comb/brush our hair while it's dry...only detangle when it is wet and saturated with conditioner. I bet a lot of people's hair is just snapping off. I always think it is interesting when I see some people who have been natural for 4 years and others who have been growing their natural hair for 2 and the latter group's hair is longer.

I know we tend to think that our hair doesn't grow, but it does; it's just popping off at the same rate or faster. We have to remember that although our hair appears to be strong, it is actually quite fragile and we have to treat it like fine silk. Every coil, bend, zig and zag is a potential breaking point.