Sunday, October 02, 2005

Napptural Gathering

I'm on the list to attend my very first Napptural Gathering on the 22nd. I'm very excited. I can't wait. One of my sorors who is also a member will probably go with me. Isn't that dandy! I can talk about hair, see hair and we can all fill the room with the love of our hair. I'm insane...I know. I really think we need to start a revolution, but since I know nothing about those things I wouldn't know where to start. Although I think we can do a lot by example.

Acne Update
No new pimples. I still have the sore spot on my right cheek but a pimple has not surfaced, thank God. However, my cheek is a little red/brown where the sore spot resides. I'm looking forward to taking a picture today, not because there has been drastic improvement, but because the pimple is gone. I am truly hoping that in 3 months my skin will be dramatically clearer.