Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Getting to Peace

I must say that I've felt more relaxed since I made the decision to BC. I didn't even spend an excessive amount of time on today. I'm still a little nervous and I think I will write that every time until the time comes, but I know it's the best decision for my hair.

I had begun obsessing over this thing and that is not good. I remember when I'd obsess over stupid men and I always felt better when I just said, "Michelle, cut it out. Just call." And I'd always feel better than I did when I had imaginary conversations in my mind and went through 50 possible scenarios.

I do need to get in the bed...I'll touch base tomorrow. I'm contemplating not going to work, because I refuse to curl my hair and I blowdried it so it will be in good shape for Locks of Love. I know my ponytail is going to look a hot mess. I have sick days, so I will let ya know...