Sunday, August 28, 2005

I read this on and was like...yeh, that's true...

So, I think it's the freedom and the empowerment because those of us who are natural we have taken the extra step. It's like an extra step of self confidence because it takes a lot to stop wearing perms. We have been grown and bread to believe that we don't look like jack unless you have a perm…and we never question it. My mother took a picture of me before I started getting perms. My mother blew my hair out …my hair was out…like this (arms stretched out over head) …and then she pressed it and it was like... Then she was like 'We need to get this child a perm ' and you don't question it.

I thought that perms were like a right of passage. I remember thinking that when I got to a certain age and they considered me to be almost an adult that's when I would get a perm.

Exactly, "I'm getting a perm now and I don't have to deal with my kinky hair my nappy hair"