Monday, September 26, 2005

Honey and Weight Lifting

I just found out that honey had antibacterial properties and I saw a post that said to dab a little on the pimples with the aloe vera gel. Well, I'm adding it to my regimen. I don't think the neosporin helped much and benzoyl perozide dries my face too much and I don't even think it works. I also bought a few more white washcloths. I think I'll switch up every few days. I had already stopped using the same one for my face as I do for my body. I swapped them all at the end of each week. I will be out of town on Friday, so I won't be able to take another progress picture until Sunday. By the way, I broke my no popping rule this morning. It was disgusting and it hurt. I couldn't take it. By the end of the day there was still a small white head there, but I won't bother it anymore. Hopefully this honey and aloe vera gel will do the trick.

Weight lifting increases testosterone which can apparently cause breakouts. And didn't I say that I hadn't had any problems until this year...well, I started weight training in January. I also stopped in May, so maybe my horomones are having a hard time getting back on track. If I am going to breakout from strength training then I WILL NOT do it. I don't have time for this mess. I have no hair and my face looks like isht. Not cool.